Subscribers to ''Voprosy Psychologii'' were asked to respond to a surv
ey designed to assess the educational, employment and professional act
ivities of psychologists in the Newly Independent States. The survey,
adapted from the annual survey distributed by the American Psychologic
al Association was completed by 120 respondents, of which 72,5% were w
omen and 27,5% were men. The results indicate significant gender and a
ge differences in education, employment and areas of specialization. W
omen, as compared to men, are more likely to specialize in development
al/social areas and work in educational settings. Men, on the other ha
nd are more likely to have obtained degrees in psychology and work in
university settings. This survey will be distributed yearly, and it is
expected that the return rate will be higher in future years. The col
lection of this information will hopefully help in determining the var
ious needs of the psychological profession and the role psychology wil
l play in future public policy debates.