The study was conducted at the ''Departamento de Zootecnia, Universida
de Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil'', to compare the quality of car
casses from cull cows of Charolais (C) and Nellore (N) breeds. Forty-n
ine were used: 25 C and 24 N, raised and finished on native pasture, u
nder similar management, and slaughtered between 7 and 15 years of age
. After chilling for 24 h. at 2 degrees C, subjective and objective ev
aluations were performed. The right side was used for metric measureme
nts and section of the loin, consisting of the 11th, 12th and 13th rib
s, was used to estimate the physical composition of the caracasses in
muscle, fat and bone. The left side was split into the three commercia
l cuts: rear, forequarter and side. C cows were heavier at slaughter b
ut the carcass weight dit not differ because N presented higher dressi
ng percentage. Conformation was better in C while N displayed a better
finish. C presented greater carcass lenght, better thickness of cushi
on, arm perimeter and loin area whereas N had longer legs and arms. A
higher proportion of rearquarter was obtained in C and side in N. The
proportion of muscle was greater in C and of fat in N.