Two hypotheses were tested in this study: (a) moral reasoning and risk
y sexual behaviors are inversely correlated; (b) the relationship betw
een AIDS knowledge and sexual behavior is mediated by moral reasoning
such that AIDS knowledge and risky sexual behaviors are inversely corr
elated for higher-level moral reasoners but not for lower-level reason
ers. Subjects were 103 undergraduate students who completed an instrum
ent assessing moral reasoning, the Defining Issues Test, and two quest
ionnaires assessing sexual behavior and knowledge about AIDS. Factor a
nalysis identified five sexual risk-taking factors with alphas of .60
or higher. Results supported both hypotheses: (a) Risk taking during s
exual intercourse (i.e., lower likelihood of using condoms) and risk t
aking during anal sex were significantly inversely correlated with mor
al reasoning; (b) For high moral reasoners, two measures of sexual ris
k taking were significantly negatively correlated with knowledge about
AIDS: as knowledge increased, risk taking during sexual intercourse a
nd engagement in a variety of sexual experiences decreased. The revers
e relationship was true for low moral reasoners. Implications for mora
l development theory and research as well as for AIDS prevention campa
igns are discussed.