This article is based on an unpublished manuscript by the late Prof. D
r. Jan De Ploey. It focusses on the erosional susceptibility of catchm
ents in terms of total energy input by the meteorological factors wate
r and wind (E(S)-model).The form and the universal character of the ba
sic expression of the erosional susceptibility are explained. Applicat
ions of the model are illustrated for different processes such as land
sliding and debris flows, gullying, creep, and rill-interill combinati
ons. Characteristic E(S)-values exist for these processes. Also, E(S)-
values vary in regions with differing pedo-botanical characteristics a
nd land-use. The difference between E(S)-values for single storm event
s and longer periods are related to the magnitude-frequency distributi
on of erosive activities and allow in many cases an assessment of the
age of erosion phenomena and an estimation of the recurrence period of
extreme single events.