Purpose It has been hypothesized that limitations in 'a baby's nourish
ment before birth: as reflected in reductions in birthweight and other
newborn anthropometric measurements, are associated with subsequent e
levations in blood pressure. We assess this hypothesis in light of fou
r causal criteria commonly used by epidemiologists: specificity, consi
stency, strength and biological coherence. We also examine aspects of
the methodology used in studies of this hypothesis. Methodologic probl
ems Two major data sources for testing the hypothesis in Hertfordshire
and Preston are flawed by very high attrition. The practice of testin
g this hypothesis by controlling for adult weight in the analysis over
states the benefit that might accrue from interventions to increase bi
rthweight. Causal criteria Studies used to support the hypothesis exam
ine a wide variety of exposures and outcomes, without prespecification
of which associations are expected. The inverse relationship of birth
weight to blood pressure is found inconsistently and, when present is
not strong. Potential confounding variables, especially social class,
have not generally taken into account Evidence from human nutrition st
udies, especially of famine exposure and pregnancy nutrition supplemen
tation, are not supportive of the proposition that in industrialized c
ountries variations in the birthweight of the population closely refle
ct pregnancy nutrition. Conclusion When examined critically, the evide
nce thus far provided does not support the hypothesis that prenatal nu
trition is a major determinant of adult blood pressure.