Lamellar crystals of CuInS2 grown in a steep temperature gradient have
been characterized. Dispersive x-ray analyses show a predominant stoi
chiometry Cu/In/S = 1/1/2 and inclusions of Cu deficient phases. The c
leaved surface is smooth, but after chemical etching a fine structure
appears, with a great number of closely packed microcrystals of a dend
ritic shape. X-ray diffraction spectra of lamellae only show the refle
ctions of the CuInS2 (112) and of the CuIn5S8 (111) lattice planes, in
dicating a strongly oriented structure. Depth profiles of CuInS2 lamel
lae investigated with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy show the presen
ce at the cleaved surface of Cu deficient phases like CuIn5S8, which a
re a few tens of nanometers thick. The lamellar growth mechanism is di
scussed on the basis of these findings. X-ray photoelectron spectrosco
py and secondary ion mass spectrometry investigations show that the ox
idation behavior of the lamellar material resembles that of traditiona
l CuInX(2) phases (X = S, Se).