Voiding dysfunction in elderly patients is not a uniform disease entit
y. Diseases of the cerebrospinal system, metabolic imbalances, detruso
r degeneration and bladder outlet obstruction or sphincter impairment
can all result in disabilities such as urinary retention and/or urinar
y incontinence. Although the urodynamic pattern of an uninhibited neur
opathic bladder resulting from a poorly functioning corticoreticular s
ystem may seem to be normal in these elderly subjects, many of them ha
ve lost control of the micturition reflex: the warning to void occurs
suddenly at full bladder capacity, and the abrupt sensation that urina
tion is imminent cannot be controlled appropriately. Classifying these
symptoms under a simple common denominator, such a detrusor instabili
ty can be misleading, because the therapeutic approach in these patien
ts should be more highly differentiate. Detrusor overactivity may be s
ymptomatic and associated with curable diseases of the lower urinary t
ract, such as bladder outlet obstruction, urinary tract infection or b
ladder cancer. On the other hand, some of the underlying causes of so-
called idiopathic detrusor overactivity have been disclosed recently b
y Elbadawi et al. (1993), relating detrusor impairment to detrusor deg
eneration characterized morphologically by a dysjunction pattern. In t
his setting, it cannot be overemphasized that better knowledge of the
underlying disease will result in more successful treatment of the voi
ding disability in such patients. Urinary incontinence in elderly pati
ents is not always due to an incompetent urinary sphincter, and urinar
y retention in this age group is not always the result of a bladder ou
tlet obstruction. Before contemplating any surgical intervention in th
ose elderly patients with urinary retention or urinary incontinence, a
ge-related dysfunc tion of the lower urinary tract must be excluded an
d the diagnostic work-up should include, in particular, underlying med
ical, psychological, neurogenic and degenerative disorders. Bladder dy
sfunction is especially common in elderly people, and an effective app
roach to the problem should focus research and treatment on the impact
that normal ageing has on the lower urinary tract. Therefore urologis
ts should keep in mind the importance of this rather large-scale, if u
nrewarding, problem in our ageing population.