Febrile convulsions can cause extreme anxiety to parents. Factors asso
ciated with parental anxiety and its relief during and after admission
of their child for simple febrile convulsions were studied by questio
nnaire. Of the 70 parents approached 46 responded (66%), all of whom r
eported feeling anxiety. Factors directly associated with parental anx
iety were lack of knowledge regarding the management of seizures and t
he performance of a spinal tap or EEG. There was no correlation betwee
n a previous seizure in the same child or in a first-degree relative a
nd a decrease in anxiety in the present seizure. Hospital admission of
the child yielded no relief of anxiety in 27.3% and some relief in 34
.1%. Staff activity was insufficient regarding parental instruction in
handling the child in the event of a recurrence. About two-thirds of
the parents wished to continue neurologic follow-up after discharge, a
nd about one-half preferred that the child be treated with anticonvuls
ants. Our findings show that a very intensive effort is required to re
lieve parental anxiety after febrile convulsions. It is suggested that
routine parental preventive education in this area be conducted in we
ll-baby clinics.