This paper outlines a 'cultural studies' approach to investigations of
the transnational world of contemporary biomedicine. Although biomedi
cine is fostered by an international political economy and global comm
unity of medical educators and bioscientists, it is taught, practiced,
organized and consumed in local contexts. This essay argues that cult
ural studies of comtemporary biomedicine should focus on the dynamic r
elationship between local and international worlds of knowledge, techn
ology and practice. Three issues illustrate this approach: (1) an expl
oration of the tensions inherent in the local and cosmopolitan shaping
of 'clinical narratives', with examples drawn from comparative studie
s of oncology; (2) an exploration of the influence of biomedical resea
rch findings and international clinical trials on the production of cl
inical narratives, with examples drawn from current research on breast
cancer; and (3) an exploration of the local or national and 'internat
ional' or 'transnational' dimensions of the production of biotechnolog
ies and pharmaceutical therapeutics. The essay concludes with a discus
sion of the limits that privilege either universal or local perspectiv
es and claims to knowledge and the ethical challenges that become appa
rent from this perspective.