The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of chron
ic sinoaortic denervation on the mechanical properties and composition
of the abdominal aorta in Wistar rats. We used a high-resolution echo
tracking system to determine in situ under physiological conditions of
blood flow and arterial wall innervation the aortic diameter-, compli
ance-, and distensibility-pressure curves in 16-week-old anesthetized
rats that had been denervated at 10 weeks of age for 6 weeks (n=8). Co
mpared with sham-operated rats (n=8) we observed a marked reduction of
baroreflex response and increase in overall mean blood pressure varia
bility as measured by standard deviation and spectral analysis in sino
aortic- denervated rats. Mean blood pressure was not affected by sinoa
ortic denervation in both conscious and anesthetized rats. Sinoaortic
denervation significantly shifted the distensibility-pressure curve to
ward lower levels of distensibility, indicating a decreased aortic dis
tensibility for a given level of arterial pressure. Sinoaortic denerva
tion produced a significant increase of aortic wall cross-sectional ar
ea and collagen content, one of the less-distensible components of the
arterial wall. These results suggest that intact arterial barorecepto
rs are necessary for maintaining normal functional and structural prop
erties of large arteries in rats. The reduction in arterial distensibi
lity in chronic sinoaortic-denervated rats may have resulted from diff
erent factors, including the initial hypertensive phase, aortic wall h
ypertrophy, and increase in collagen content. The changes in aortic wa
ll structure and related reduction in aortic distensibility, in additi
on to other mechanisms, might have been direct consequences of an incr
eased blood pressure variability.