The 5-lipoxygenated metabolites of arachidonic acid, the leukotrienes,
are increasingly recognized as major mediators of early glomerular he
modynamic and structural deterioration during experimental glomerulone
phritis. Generation of these metabolites is largely by infiltrating le
ukocytes, but can also occur by intrinsic glomerular cells via transce
llular metabolism of intermediates. In several animal models of glomer
ulonephritis and other renal pathologic states, leukotrienes have been
shown to exert adverse effects in the glomerulus. Leukotriene B-4 aug
ments neutrophil infiltration, and leukotrienes C-4 and D-4 mediate po
tent vasoconstrictor effects on the glomerular microcirculation. Selec
tive blockade of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway in the course of glomerula
r injury is associated with a significant amelioration of the deterior
ation of renal hemodynamic and structural parameters. 15-S-hydroxyeico
satetraenoic acid (15-S-HETE), the immediate product of arachidonate 1
5-lipoxygenase, and the lipoxins, which are produced by sequential 15-
and 5- or 5- and 12-lipoxygenation of arachidonic acid are also gener
ated in the course of glomerular injury. These eicosanoids have action
s that contrast with those of leukotrienes. 15-S-HETE antagonizes leuk
otriene-induced neutrophil chemotaxis and lipoxin A(4) antagonizes the
effects of leukotrienes C-4 and D-4 On the glomerular microcirculatio
n. The contrasting effects of 5- and 15-lipoxygenase products may repr
esent endogenous pro- and anti-inflammatory influences that could ulti
mately regulate the extent and severity of glomerular inflammation. Th
e recent availability of safe and effective 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors
will be helpful to test the effect of blocking leukotriene production
on the course of human glomerulonephritis and other disease states.