We report on the NMR free induction decays (FID) fr om solid tritium (
T-2), deuterium-trititum (D-T), and H-2 HD and D-2 containing 2% triti
um. The FID in pure components is typically a beat decay for spin conc
entrations >30%, can exponential for spin concentrations <10%, and a G
aussian or Gaussian-exponential for spin concentrations in between. In
mixtures of DT or HD, the deuteron FID is a Gaussian-exponential whil
e the T or H FID is typically a beat decay ol Gaussian depending on te
mperature. The linewidth is shown to consist mostly of inter molecular
and intramolecular contr ibutions, with a small component resulting f
rom unpaired hydrogen atoms created by the tritium radioactivity.