Despite early menageries being the source of much useful biological in
formation on anatomy and taxonomy, it is only more recently that the p
otential for research in toes has been recognized. Collections of capt
ive animals are unique and irreplaceable resources for conservation; b
ut without research in zoological parks, progress in conservation scie
nce would diminish. There is a flow of information from zoo researcher
s to field scientists that assists in providing new insights into spec
ies biology. Reciprocally, data collected in the field enhance efforts
in captive breeding. This paper summarizes the new research initiativ
es undertaken in toes, e.g., in the fields of reproductive and genetic
technologies, and highlights their significance for conservation and
management of threatened species. It is evident that zoo research has
a vital role in linking in situ and ex situ conservation. This role ne
eds to be expanded and developed to meet the challenge posed by expand
ing human and declining wildlife populations and ecosystems.