Shallow-water benthic marine invertebrates (such as brachiopods from B
enthic Assemblages [BA] 1-3) have usually played a much more important
role than deeper ones (BA 4-5 or even deeper) in evaluating biogeogra
phical provincialism in geological history. The Silurian brachiopod Re
tziella Fauna, characterized by the common presence of Retziella in as
sociation with various provincial taxa and many common North Silurian
Realm genera, is known from southwest Tienshan, North China, South Chi
na, North Vietnam, and East Australia. It is possibly also present in
North Korea, the central Pamirs, Afghanistan, and New Zealand. The coe
val Tuvaella Fauna occurs only in the southern marginal belt of the Si
berian Plate. Splecologically, both faunas inhabited a normal, shallow
-water, level-bottom environment, usually with al ow-diversity communi
ty (commonly 3-8 genera); assignment to BA 2-3 is indicated. Their mut
ual exclusiveness is of biogeographical significance: subdivisions of
the Uralian-Cordilleran Region can be based on them, with the Tuvaella
Fauna bring included in a redefined Mongolo-Okhotsk Province. A Sino-
Australian Province is established and defined herein for the area occ
upied by the Retziella Fauna during the Ludlow-Pridoli and probably th
e Wenlock. Two subdivisions of the province can be recognized, a Sino-
Central-Asian Subprovince and an Australian Subprovince, based on diff
erent endemic brachiopods and separate geographical positions. The pre
sence of a number of more cosmopolitan genera in both the tropical-sub
tropical Sino-Australian and subtropical-temperate Mongolo-Okhotsk Pro
vinces during the Late Silurian testifies to oceanic surface current c
irculation patterns adequate for the distribution of planktic larvae c
apable of long-distance dispersal while maintaining reproductive commu
nication. This contrasts with the dispersal potential of endemic compo
nents of the newly defined Silurian biogeographical units.