TRAINREC is a system for training feedforward and recurrent neural net
works that incorporates several ideas. It uses the conjugate-gradient
method which is demonstrably more efficient than traditional backward
error propagation. We assume epoch-based training and derive a new err
or function having several desirable properties absent from the tradit
ional sum-of-squares-error function, We argue for skip (shortcut) conn
ections where appropriate and the preference for a bipolar sigmoidal y
ielding values over the [-1, 1] interval. The input feature space is o
ften over-analyzed, but by using singular value decomposition, input p
atterns can be conditioned for better learning often with a reduced nu
mber of input units. Recurrent networks, in their most general form, r
equire special handling and cannot be simply a re-wiring of the archit
ecture without a corresponding revision of the derivative calculations
. There is a careful balance required among the network architecture (
specifically, hidden and feedback units), the amount of training appli
ed, and the ability of the network to generalize. These issues often h
inge on selecting the proper stopping criterion. Discovering methods t
hat work in theory as well as in practice is difficult and we have spe
nt a substantial amount of effort evaluating and testing these ideas o
n real problems to determine their value, This paper encapsulates a nu
mber of such ideas ranging from those motivated by a desire for effici
ency of training to those motivated by correctness and accuracy of the
result, While this paper is intended to be self-contained, several re
ferences are provided to other work upon which many of our claims are