We describe two genes, dino and mercedes, which are required for the o
rganization of the zebrafish body plan, In dine mutant embryos, the ta
il is enlarged at the expense of the head and the anterior region of t
he trunk, The altered expression patterns of various marker genes reve
al that, with the exception of the dorsal most marginal zone, all regi
ons of the early dine mutant embryo acquire more ventral fates, These
alterations are already apparent before the onset of gastrulation, mer
cedes mutant embryos show a similar but weaker phenotype, suggesting a
role in the same patterning processes. The phenotypes suggests that d
ine and mercedes are required for the establishment of dorsal fates in
both the marginal and the animal zone of the early gastrula embryo, T
heir function in the patterning of the ventrolateral mesoderm and the
induction of the neuroectoderm is similar to the function of the Spema
nn organizer in the amphibian embryo.