Epithelial development dictates the shape of an organism. The metamorp
hic development of a Drosophila leg precursor into an adult leg is a w
ell-defined example of epithelial morphogenesis that can be analyzed f
rom the perspectives of genetics and molecular and cell biology. The s
teroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone induces and regulates the entire pro
cess. Mutants affecting Drosophila leg morphogenesis characteristicall
y have short thick legs (the malformed phenotype) resulting from a fai
lure to execute normal cell shape changes at a specific stage of devel
opment. Mutations that cause the malformed phenotype have already led
to the identification and cloning of genes encoding transcription fact
ors, a transmembrane serine protease presumably required for modificat
ion of the apical extracellular matrix, and components of the contract
ile cytoskeleton and adherens junctions. All of these products are req
uired for the execution of normal changes in leg cell shape.