In a large scale screen for genetic defects in zebrafish embryogenesis
we identified 49 mutations affecting development of the retina, Based
on analysis of living embryos as well as histological sections, we gr
ouped the isolated mutations into six phenotypic categories, (1) Mutat
ions in three loci result in a loss of wild-type laminar pattern of th
e neural retina, (2) Defects in four loci lead to an abnormal specific
ation of the eye anlagen, Only one eye frequently forms in this class
of mutants, (3) Seven loci predominantly affect development of the out
er retinal layers, Mutants in this category display cell loss mainly i
n the photoreceptor cell layer. (4) Nine mutations cause retardation o
f eye growth without any other obvious abnormalities in the retina, (5
) A group of twelve mutations is characterized by nonspecific retinal
degeneration, (6) Four mutations display retinal degeneration associat
ed with a pigmentation defect. Finally, two mutations, one with absenc
e of the ventral retina and one with an eye-specific pigmentation defe
ct, are not classified in any of the above groups, The identified muta
tions affect numerous aspects of eye development, including: specifica
tion of the eye anlage, growth rate of the optic cup, establishment of
retinal stratification, specification or differentiation of retinal n
eurons and formation of the dorsoventral axis in the developing eye.