In a large-scale screen for mutations affecting embryogenesis in zebra
fish, we identified 48 mutations in 34 genetic loci specifically affec
ting craniofacial development, Mutants were analyzed for abnormalities
in the cartilaginous head skeleton. Further, the expression of marker
genes was studied to investigate potential abnormalities in mutant rh
ombencephalon, neural crest, and pharyngeal endoderm, The results sugg
est that the identified mutations affect three distinct aspects of cra
niofacial development. In one group, mutations affect the overall patt
ern of the craniofacial skeleton, suggesting that the genes are involv
ed in the specification of these elements. Another large group of muta
tions affects differentiation and morphogenesis of cartilage, and may
provide insight into the genetic control of chondrogenesis, The last g
roup of mutations leads to the abnormal arrangement of skeletal elemen
ts and may uncover important tissue-tissue interactions underlying jaw