The distribution of O isotope ratios in a slowly cooled metamorphic ro
ck is investigated by a combination of ion microprobe and laser probe
techniques. The sample has unusually simple geometry: centimeter-size
domains of feldspar and garnet separated by a one-millimeter to one-ce
ntimeter thick layer of millimeter-size magnetite grains. Isotopic zon
ation at two different scales is documented. A sharp decrease in delta
(18)O in the outer 10-100 mu m of individual magnetite grains is in ag
reement with modeling of isotopic reequilibration during cooling by in
terdiffusion between feldspar and magnetite. The presence of this zona
tion in the outer portions of magnetite grains that are adjacent to ga
rnet indicates extensive transport along grain boundaries during diffu
sive exchange. Millimeter-scale zonation in the polygranular layer of
magnetite is caused by the interaction of volume diffusion and grain b
oundary transport, the effects of which depend upon local textures. Gr
ain boundaries enhance bulk diffusion in polygranular aggregates and a
llow exchange between nontouching grains. The results document a compl
ex textural control to millimeter-scale O isotope zonation and geother
mometry in slowly cooled rocks and document the importance of fast gra
in boundary transport in controlling diffusive exchange.