Contrast agent nephropathy accounts for a substantial number of hospit
al acquired incidences of acute renal failure and the functional damag
e induced may sometimes be irreversible. The true incidence of the com
plication is still uncertain but seems to be low in patients with norm
al renal function. Among numerous risk factors proposed, pre-existing
renal failure is the most important. Diabetes only seems to be a signi
ficant risk when there is pre-existing renal functional deficiency. Am
ong four main theories for the mechanism of contrast agent nephropathy
, interest is mainly focused on post contrast vasoconstriction and dir
ect tubulotoxicity of the contrast agent. No dramatic decrease in the
overall incidence of contrast agent nephropathy has been observed foll
owing the change from ionic to non-ionic agents. However, several rece
nt clinical trials confirm that non-ionic contrast agents are less nep
hrotoxic than ionic agents in patients with pre-existing renal insuffi