Acute renal failure (ARF) in pregnancy constitutes 13.9% (76/545) of a
ll the cases of ARF referred for dialysis in a period of ten years to
the University Hospital, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Fi
fty of these 76 pregnant women (66%) developed ARF after abortion and
the remaining 26 (34%) had ARF due to complications of late pregnancy.
The factors directly attributable to ARF are blood loss (51.3%), sept
icemia (28.9%), hypotension (34.2%), toxemia of pregnancy (13%), disse
minated intravascular coagulation (23.6%), adult hemolytic uremic synd
rome (9.2%), volume depletion (25%), and hemolysis (7.8%). The irrever
sible lesions of renal cortical necrosis was similar in early and late
pregnancy. The overall incidence of diffuse renal cortical necrosis w
as 25%. Acute tubular necrosis was seen in 75% of cases, and histologi
cal evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation was found in 16
%. Maternal mortality was 33%. Bilateral rend cortical necrosis and se
pticemia were the major causes of death.