The routine assessment of patient dose in the National Health Service
Breast Screening Programme is performed as part of the quality assuran
ce protocol recommended by the Institute of Physical Sciences in Medic
ine. The mean glandular dose to a standard breast is deduced from meas
urement of the air kerma at the entrance surface of a 4 cm Perspex pha
ntom by applying a series of conversion factors. The exposure factors
far this measurement are those used clinically. The measured mean glan
dular dose is then compared with nationally accepted action levels. In
some centres the assessment of mean glandular dose using Perspex is s
upplemented by patient dose surveys. The mean glandular dose to a seri
es of patients attending a breast screening unit may be estimated from
a knowledge of the exposure factors and compressed breast thickness,
using a knowledge of the X-ray tube output. Measurements made on units
in the Northern Region of England and in Scotland using both methods
are presented. The implication of these measurements with regard to pa
tient dose surveys in mammography and quality assurance programmes are
discussed. An analysis of the uncertainties associated with the measu
rement techniques is presented.