Dl. Robinson et al., COVERT ORIENTING OF ATTENTION IN MACAQUES .2. CONTRIBUTIONS OF PARIETAL CORTEX, Journal of neurophysiology, 74(2), 1995, pp. 698-712
1. To understand some of the contributions of parietal cortex to the d
ynamics of visual spatial attention, we recorded from cortical cells o
f monkeys performing attentional tasks. We studied 484 neurons in the
intraparietal sulcus and adjacent gyral tissue of two monkeys. We meas
ured phasic responses to peripheral Visual stimuli while the monkeys a
ttended toward or away from the stimuli or when attention was not cont
rolled. Neurons were tested while the monkeys gazed at a spot of light
(simple fixation task), actively attended to a foveal target (foveal
attention task), performed a reaction time task. (cued reaction time t
ask), made saccadic eye movements to visual targets (saccade task), or
responded to a repetitious peripheral target (probability task). 2. I
n a previous paper we demonstrated that monkeys, Like humans, responde
d more quickly to visual targets when the targets followed briefly fla
shed visual cues (validly cued targets) (Bowman ct al. 1993). It has b
een hypothesized that the cue attracts attention to its locus and resu
lts in faster reaction times (Posner 1980). In the present physiologic
al studies, visual cues consistently excited these neurons when they w
ere hashed in the receptive held. Such activity might signal a shift o
f attention. Visual targets that fell within the receptive field and t
hat immediately followed the cue evoked relatively weak responses. Thi
s response was due to a relative refractory period. 3. Next we tested
attentional processes in these tasks that were independent of the visu
al response to the cue. We placed the cue outside of the receptive fie
ld and the target within the receptive field. We found that 23% of the
se cells had a significant decrease in their firing rate to validly cu
ed targets in their receptive fields under these conditions. Strong re
sponses were evoked by the same target when the cue was flashed in the
opposite hemifield (invalidly cued targets). Thus this group of neuro
ns responded best when attention was directed toward the opposite hemi
field. 4. For another group of parietal cells (13%) there was an enhan
ced response to targets in the visual receptive field when the cue was
in the same hemifield. For the remaining 64% of the cells there was n
o significant modulation in this task. 5. The cued reaction time task
involved exogenous control of attention; the sensory cue gave spatial
and temporal direction to attention. We used several other tasks to te
st for endogenous control of attention. For some cells, when a monkey
simply gazed at a spot of light there was only a modest response to pe
ripheral visual stimuli; when the monkey performed the foveal attentio
n task there was an increase in the intensity of response of the same
cell to the same peripheral stimulus. Thus, when attention was directe
d away from the Visual receptive held by endogenous control, there was
a similar augmentation of response. 6. When an animal responded repet
itiously to targets outside of the visual receptive field (probability
task), there was a strong response evoked when the stimulus appeared
unexpectedly within the receptive field. Weak responses were elicited
at expected locations. The modulations in the cued reaction time, fove
al attention, and probability tasks were quantitatively similar. These
observations are also consistent with other data showing that a group
of parietal cells responded best when attention was not directed into
the visual receptive field. This was true whether attention was manip
ulated exogenously or endogenously. 7. Approximately 45% of the neuron
s tested discharged in relation to saccadic eye movements, and the lar
gest number of such cells was located in the posterior bank of the int
raparietal sulcus. 8. We conclude from these experiments that parietal
cells participate in attentional processes. All respond to the visual
cue that directs attention, and this may signal a shift of attention.
When the visual cue was positioned near the receptive held, different
ial activity was produced, all of which may signal attentional shifts.
Certain of these cells also had modulations in endogenous tasks that
augmented the response when attention was away from the receptive held
; such activity could signal a shift of attention to the receptive fie
ld. These data provide some mechanisms for contributions of parietal c
ortex to the dynamics of visual attention.