beta(2)-Glycoprotein I-cardiolipin complexes are reported to be a targ
et antigen for the binding of a subset of anti-phospholipid antibodies
. The characteristics of binding of beta(2)-glycoprotein I to cardioli
pin are reported in this paper. Binding at neutral pH is specific, sat
urable, dependent on ionic strength and independent of bivalent cation
. Binding at low pH is qualitatively different from that at neutral pH
, and is not dependent on ionic strength. Denaturation of beta(2)-glyc
oprotein I by heat inactivation and reduction/alkylation indicates tha
t beta(2)-glycoprotein I-cardiolipin . interaction does not require-th
e native three-dimensional structure of beta(2)-glycoprotein I, implyi
ng that a linear sequence motif may be responsible. Modification of am
ino acid residues by KCNO treatment completely destroys binding capaci
ty, indicating crucial involvement of lysine residues in binding of be
ta(2)-glycoprotein I to cardiolipin. Complement factor H, which has so
me similar highly charged linear sequence motifs to beta(2)-glycoprote
in I and is composed of the same type of protein module, was found to
bind to cardiolipin and inhibit the binding of beta(2)-glycoprotein I
to cardiolipin. Three different lysine-rich segments of the fifth doma
in of beta(2)-glycoprotein I may be involved in binding to cardiolipin