The retinotectal map in Xenopus forms very early: retinal axons are to
pographically ordered along the dorsoventral axis of the tectum by sta
ge 39, as they first arrive, To test whether topographic cues are pres
ent even earlier, we forced retinal axons to innervate the tectum prem
aturely by transplanting stage 28 eye primordia into stage 20 hosts, t
hen assayed dorsoventral topography using focal injections of lipophil
ic dye into dorsal and ventral retina at donor stages 39-40, Unoperate
d and isochronic control projections showed normal dorsoventral orderi
ng both in the optic tract and in the tectum, In contrast, projections
from heterochronically transplanted eyes were ordered in the tract, b
ut spread out upon entering the tectum and did not show significant do
rsoventral ordering, Individual axons entering the tectum precociously
often made abnormally abrupt and topographically incorrect turns, Thu
s, the topographical cues normally expressed in the tectum at stage 39
appear to be absent a few hours earlier. However, this lack of cues i
s only temporary, since heterochronic transplants allowed to survive t
o donor stages 45-46 showed normal topography, The absence of tectal t
opography at a stage when retinal axons can navigate to the young tect
um strongly suggests that the molecules that provide tectal topographi
cal signals are distinct from those used for pathfinding in the dience
phalon and target recognition at the tectum.