The magnetized target fusion (MTF) concept is explained, and the under
lying principles are discussed. The necessity of creating a target pla
sma and the advantage of decoupling its creation from the implosion us
ed to achieve fusion ignition are explained. The Sandia National Labor
atories Phi-target experiments is one concrete example of the MTF conc
ept, but other experiments have involved some elements of MTF. Lindl-W
idner diagrams are used to elucidate the parameter space available to
MTF and the physics of MTF ignition. Magnetized target fusion has both
limitations and advantages relative to inertial confinement fusion. T
he chief advantage is that the driver for an MTF target can be orders
of magnitude less powerful and in tense than what is required for othe
r inertial fusion approaches. A number of critical issues challenge th
e practical realization of MTF. Past experience, critical issues, and
potential integral MTF experiments are discussed.