Three-dimensional Fokker-Planck simulation of collisional losses of me
ga-electron-volt fusion poducts in axisymmetric tokamaks with plasma c
urrents I < 2 MA is carried out. The calculations take into account bo
th loss due to radial diffusion and loss caused by pitch-angle scatter
ing in the first-orbit loss region in velocity space. Collisional loss
es of deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion products in the energy range 0.
5 less than or equal to epsilon/epsilon(O) less than or equal to 1 (wh
ere epsilon(O) is the birth energy) are found to be increased with pla
sma current and comparable to a first-orbit loss at I > 1.5 MA. The lo
ss mechanism considered may be responsible for the observed experiment
ally delayed losses of D-D fusion products in the Tokamak Fusion Test
Reactor (TFTR). The dependencies of collisional losses on plasma curre
nt, effective charge number of the plasma (Z(eff)), and aspect ratio a
re investigated. The distributions of escaped ions over pitch angles,
energies, and poloidal angles are evaluated. The fraction of collision
ally lost fast fusion products is shown to scale like (v(p)erpendicula
r to/v(s))(0-6) or Z(eff)(0.6) (here v(p)erpendicular to and v(s) are
characteristic collision rates of pitch-angle scattering and slowing d
own, respectively). The approach used may Be considered as an alternat
ive to the approach based on Monte Carlo modeling of scattering and ca
n serve as a validity check of the latter.