BACKGROUND. Scalp extension has been revealed as a good corrective met
hod for androgenetic alopecia and it is possible 50 foresee its other
probable applications in the field of increasing hair-bearing areas. O
BJECTIVE. The performance of Frechet's scalp extender in se lected hea
d burn cases allows the possibility of maintaining a high degree of so
cial presentability during the patient's entire treatment period, on c
ondition that this procedure or others are repented. METHODS. The auth
or discusses his experience in correcting an extensive head burn and t
he performance of Frechet's extender. CONCLUSION. In our experience sc
alp extension showed itself to be a valid method for the correction of
a burned area, reducing it considerably and reducing total treatment
time compared with traditional techniques. Also the patient has the ad
vantage of normal social presentability during the entire treatment pe