A number of radiochemical problems have been formulated in the framewo
rk of polylinear regression analysis, which permits the use of convent
ional mathematical methods for their solution. We have considered feat
ures of the use of polylinear regression analysis for estimating the c
ontributions of various sources to the atmospheric pollution, for stud
ying irradiated nuclear fuel, for estimating concentrations from spect
ral data, for measuring neutron fields of a nuclear reactor, for estim
ating crystal lattice parameters from X-ray diffraction patterns, for
interpreting data of X-ray fluorescence analysis, for estimating compl
ex formation constants, and for analyzing results of radiometric measu
rements. The problem of estimating the target parameters can be incorr
ect at certain properties of the system under study. We showed the pos
sibility of regularization by adding a fictitious set of data ''obtain
ed'' from the orthogonal design. To estimate only a part of the parame
ters under consideration, we used incomplete rank models. In this case
, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of confounding
estimates. An algorithm for evaluating the degree of confounding is pr
esented which is realized using standard software of regression analys