During the past 25 years the treatment of Wilms' tumors has been refin
ed owing to a series of thoroughly performed clinical studies. The ove
rall prognosis is currently 80% (long-term cures), but different thera
peutic issues are still discussed controversially, especially the ques
tion of preoperative treatment. A number of different drugs have prove
d effective in the treatment of Wilms' tumors. It remains to be determ
ined as to which drug combinations are the most effective for which hi
stologic sub-type and which stage of disease. It seems that these ques
tions can be answered only if further studies consequently implicate a
nalyses of early and long-term toxicities. The same is true for analys
es of peri- and postoperative complications. Radiotherapy plays a role
in about 50% of cases. Special subtypes require modified strategies,
and the optimal treatment for high-risk histologic types has not yet b
een found.