A carbon gas mask is considered in this paper for the elimination of C
NCl by adsorption in the activated carbon support-and simultaneous sec
ond order chemical reaction with the impregnant metal. A model, taking
into account nonlinear adsorption, chemical reaction, film and intrap
article mass transfer resistances, and axial dispersion is written and
solved by the moving finite elements method. In the very short beds u
sed in carbon gas masks, axial dispersion is probably important. Simul
ations are carried out for different values of the parameters in order
to assess the influence of the intraparticle and film mass transfer r
esistances and of the rate of reaction on the system behavior in the p
resence of axial dispersion. It is shown that, although axial dispersi
on does not alter the general behavior of the system, its presence can
reduce dramatically the usefulness of these respirators. On the other
hand, two different-correlations give more than 1 order of magnitude
differences in the value of axial dispersion to be expected in the bed