We present a novel set of shape descriptors that represents a digitize
d pattern in a concise way and that is particularly well-suited for th
e recognition of handprinted characters. The descriptor set is derived
from the wavelet transform of a pattern's contour. The approach is cl
osely related to Feature extraction methods by Fourier series expansio
n. The motivation to use an orthonormal wavelet basis rather than the
Fourier basis is that wavelet coefficients provide localized frequency
information, and that wavelets allow us to decompose a function into
a multiresolution hierarchy of localized frequency bands. We describe
a character recognition system that relies upon wavelet descriptors to
simultaneously analyze character shape at multiple levels of resoluti
on. The system was trained and tested on a large database of more than
6000 samples of handprinted alphanumeric characters. The results show
that wavelet descriptors are an efficient representation that can pro
vide for reliable recognition in problems with large input variability