Administration of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB) to male Fischer-344 rats
produced ataxia after 6 or 7 oral doses (71 mg/kg). Light microscopic
examination after 10 days revealed petechial hemorrhages in the brain
stem and cerebellum and bilaterally symmetric degeneration and necros
is (malacia) with reactive gliosis in the cerebellar peduncles. The ma
lacia was dorsal and lateral to the fourth ventricle involving the cer
ebellar nuclei, medial and lateral vestibular nuclei, and inferior col
liculi. Blood vessels associated with the lesion had widened Virchow-R
obin spaces, occasionally with extravasated erythrocytes. Rats adminis
tered daily oral doses of 35.5 mg/kg of TNB for 10 days and 35.5 and 7
1 mg/kg of TNB for 1 or 4 days did not have brain lesions.