An internal receiver coil was used to obtain high resolution transvers
e and oblique coronal magnetic resonance images of the anal sphincter
in five normal volunteers and five patients. The internal sphincter ha
d a high signal intensity on T-1 weighted, T-2 weighted, and STIR sequ
ences whereas the conjoined longitudinal muscle and external sphincter
had a low signal intensity. The internal sphincter (but not the exter
nal sphincter) showed contrast enhancement after administration of int
ravenous gadopentetate dimeglumine. The oblique coronal plane was part
icularly useful for showing the thickness and the relations of the ext
ernal sphincter. Sphincteric abscesses as well as muscle defects, hype
rtrophy, and atrophy were clearly shown. The coil was well tolerated b
y most subjects. It has considerable potential for improving the diagn
osis of anorectal disease.