Remodelling of deformed cartilaginous tissue in the head and neck pres
ents a difficult surgical problem since cartilage tends to return to i
ts original shape because of its natural internal stresses. This is al
so true of cartilage autografts. Cartilage can be remodelled using hea
t and this paper describes the use of light from a carbon dioxide lase
r (lambda=10.6 mu m) to remodel cartilaginous tissue, in a procedure w
hich we have called laser thermochondroplasty. Straight cartilage samp
les were removed from the ears of 12 rabbits, moulded with the CO2 las
er at an output power of 3 W with a spot; diameter of 2 mm and exposur
e times of 0.5 s. After remoulding, the cartilage, together with a con
trol, unmoulded sample, were implanted into the rabbits' back and retr
ieved 6-8 months later. Histological and morphological analysis showed
that the treated cartilages retained both their shape and viability.
This may well be a useful clinical technique for the in situ remouldin
g of difficult cartilage, such as that found in the nasal septum, with
minimal damage, and the transplanting of autologous cartilage which h
as been remoulded in vitro.