At strain rates greater than about 10 the deformation of polymers is a
n adiabatic process which can lead to the generation of very high loca
lized temperatures. These may be well in excess of the temperatures re
quired for thermal decem position of the polymer to occur. It is specu
lated that gaseous products arising from such decomposition may act as
the source of microcavities and craze initiators. Experiments are des
cribed in which the thermal decem position reaction parameters of poly
etherketone, polyetheretherketone, and polysulphone are measured using
differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis, and
the decomposition products analysed by mass spectrometry. The results
indicate that the proposed mechanism could act as a source of micropo
res with total pore volumes amounting to several per cent of the mater
ial volume.