Two novel trellis-coding techniques, called nonlinar multi-h signaling
and nonlinear asymmetrical multi-h signaling, which achieve higher co
nstraint length than ordinary multi-h signals, are introduced with CPF
SK signals, In contrast to ordinary multi-h signaling where the modula
tion index is changed at the end of every symbol interval, nonlinear m
ulti-h signals are constructed by changing the modulation index based
on the previous symbol, and the current symbol interval, A class of no
nlinear asymmetrical multi-h signals, which change the modulation inde
x based on the current symbol too, is then constructed by extending no
nlinear multi-h signals and combining them with asymmetrical multi-h s
ignals. Binary full-response nonlinear multi-h and nonlinear asymmetri
cal multi-h CPFSK signals are constructed and analyzed. Minimum Euclid
ean distances and spectral properties of these signals are calculated
at different phase states and various selected modulation index patter
ns, Numerical results indicate that nonlinear multi-h and nonlinear as
ymmetrical multi-h signals achieve significantly higher distance than
other existing multi-h formats reported in the literature.