Thermal drying of bioproducts often leads to a significant deteriorati
on of product quality. One of the simplest methods for better quality
retention of thermosensitive materials is drying of the materials in a
mixture with porous carriers. In order to determine the effect of car
riers presence on the mechanism of dehydration process a set of experi
ments was carried out in a laboratory vibrofluidized bed dryer. The ex
periments were performed for three different carriers (wheat bran, gro
und rape and flour). Baker's yeast was taken as an example of a sensit
ive material. The effect of following parameters on degradation proces
ses was analysed: concentration and kind of a carrier, temperature and
flowrate of inlet air and frequency of a vibrated bed. The analysis o
f the results proves that temperature of inlet air and kind and concen
tration of a carrier are the most important factors affecting final pr
oduct quality. The results show that the main effect of a carrier's pr
esence on quality retention comprises changes of a structure of labile
material. Sorptional properties of the carrier are less important. In
second part of the work dehumidified air was applied as a drying agen
t to enhance quality retention of biomaterials. Results obtained are e
ncouraging, however this method requires further research.