Hyperinflation with intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi)
loads the respiratory muscles and causes dyspnea in obstructive lung
disease. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has shown some eff
icacy in reducing inspiratory work and dyspnea. However, in obstructiv
e lung disease, inspiratory work and dyspnea may be increased by addit
ional factors that may not be affected by CPAP. Therefore, to study th
e effects of hyperinflation with intrinsic PEEP and CPAP in isolation,
we used a mechanical analog of airway closure to increase end-expirat
ory lung volume in normal subjects. In five subjects in whom inspirato
ry work was measured, increasing end-expiratory lung volume by 1 and 2
L increased inspiratory work per breath from 0.42+/-0.04 J to 1.17+/-
0.15 J (p<0.05 compared with baseline) and 1.58+/-0.22 J (p<0.05 compa
red with baseline and to the lesser level of hyperinflation), Although
CPAP reduced work per breath and per minute to levels not significant
ly different from baseline, it had little effect on dyspnea. In ten su
bjects hyperinflated to 2.4+/-0.12 L above FlRC, breathing could be su
stained 19.5+/-4.5 min before quitting the load This was increased to
26.7+/-5.2 minby 10 cm H2O CPAP (p=0.052). Inspiratory dyspnea was mod
estly reduced by CPAP during these endurance trials, We conclude that
CPAP can substantially ameliorate the respiratory work load induced by
hyperinflation with intrinsic PEEP. However, the effects of CPAP on d
yspnea and endurance are more limited. This suggests that the limits t
o breathing at high lung volumes are related to factors in addition to
respiratory muscle work, and that CPAP may be of more value in reduci
ng the work than in relieving the distress of obstructive lung disease