Michelsen et al. (1995) present results of an experiment in which aque
ous leaf extracts of three arctic woody plant species were found to in
hibit growth and nutrient acquisition of three graminoid species, and
suggested that microbial nutrient immobilisation, rather than allelopa
thy, was responsible for the observed trends. In doing this they also
question previous work proposing that the Arctic dwarf shrub Empetrum
hermaphroditum is allelopathic. We suggest that their conclusions are
not unequivocally supported by their data. Firstly we indicate that th
e approaches used for estimating microbial nutrient immobilisation are
questionable. Secondly we indicate that most of the trends that they
discussed are based on data in which the treatments and controls are n
ot significantly different for the majority of cases. Finally we respo
nd specifically to their criticisms of previous work on E. hermaphrodi
tum. While the question of how arctic plants interact is an interestin
g one, we conclude that this question cannot be answered by their data