The vaporisation-condensation scheme of urea has been investigated in
the temperature region below the melting point, in order to establish
the thermodynamic reactions on which the physical vapour transport (PV
T) of urea is based. By making use of both reported data and experimen
tal results of MS, DTA, DTG, and HPLC analysis, it was shown that PVT
relevant reactions are basically molecular sublimation and partial dec
omposition in solid biuret and ammonia. MS analysis of urea crystals a
nd source residues have also shown that no decomposition can be observ
ed in the growing crystals, unless reheated during growth. The tempera
ture dependence of the decomposition pressure has been found to be:log
(10)P(NH3) [torr] = 38 - 13840/T[K]. The use of this relation in diffu
sive mass transport calculations brought to linear growth rate values
not in disagreement with the experimental values found in closed tube
PVT grown Crystals.