Gr. Smith et al., THE CHAOS SPECTROMETER FOR PION PHYSICS AT TRIUMF, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 362(2-3), 1995, pp. 349-360
The Canadian high acceptance orbit spectrometer (CHAOS) is a unique ma
gnetic spectrometer system recently commissioned for studies of pion i
nduced reactions at TRIUMF. It is based on a cylindrical dipole magnet
producing vertical magnetic fields up to 1.6 T. The scattering target
is located in the center of the magnet. Charged particle tracks produ
ced by pion interactions there are identified using four concentric cy
lindrical wire chambers surrounding the target. Particle identificatio
n and track multiplicity are determined by cylindrical layers of scint
illation counters and lead-glass Cherenkov counters, which also provid
e a first level trigger. A sophisticated second level trigger system p
ermits pion fluxes in excess of 5 MHz to be employed, The detector sub
tends 360 degrees in the horizontal plane, and +/-7 degrees out of thi
s plane for a solid angle coverage approximately 10% of 4 pi sr. The m
omentum resolution delivered by the detector system is 1% (sigma).