We examined the characteristics of [H-3]clozapine binding sites in fou
r rat brain regions (frontal cortex, limbic area, hippocampus and stri
atum) in order to elucidate the pharmacological profile of this unique
atypical antipsychotic drug. The specific [H-3]clozapine binding was
found to be saturable and reversible in all these brain regions. Scatc
hard analysis of the saturation data indicated that the specific bindi
ng consisted of high- and low-affinity components. Displacement experi
ments showed that the muscarinic cholinergic receptor represented abou
t 50% of [H-3]clozapine binding in each brain area. Serotonin 5-HT2 an
d dopamine D-4 receptor binding sites could also be detected by displa
cement experiments using ketanserin and nemonapride, respectively, in
frontal cortex and limbic area, but not in hippocampus or striatum. Al
pha-1, alpha-2, histamine H-1, dopamine D-1, D-2, or D-3 receptor comp
onents could not be determined within the high-affinity [H-3]clozapine
binding sites in any brain region. It is possible that the atypical p
roperty of clozapine may depend on the modulatory effect on dopaminerg
ic function via 5-HT2 receptor blockade and/or may be mediated via D-4
receptor blockade in the mesocortical and mesolimbic area.