Recent experimental studies in a wide range of animal species have sho
wn that the fetus determines the duration of pregnancy. The mechanism
by which the birth process is initiated is closely linked to the norma
l maturation of vital fetal organs, such as the lungs. Thus, under nor
mal circumstances, the fetus should be adequately prepared for the cha
llenges of an independent life after birth. The fetal endocrine change
s that lead to birth result in increased maternal estrogen production
and stimulation of effective uterine contractility and dilation of the
cervix. Preterm delivery can occur as a result of several different p
athological processes, including infection and various forms of stress
. Successful strategies for preventing the preterm delivery of low bir
th weight infants will depend upon an improved ability to diagnose whi
ch of the many components of the normal birth process has been prematu
rely activated in each pregnant patient undergoing premature labor.