The growth and differentiation of megakaryocytes are regulated by thro
mbopoietin (TPO), a recently characterized cytokine which exerts its e
ffects via a member of the hematopoietin receptor superfamily, c-Mpl,
Since many cytokines which bind hematopoietin receptors activate the S
TAT family of transcription factors, we investigated whether STAT prot
eins were activated by TPO, TPO induced the formation of a DNA-binding
complex recognizing a known STAT-binding sequence, STAT5 was a major
component of this DNA-binding complex, and STAT5 was tyrosine phosphor
ylated in response to TPO, Additionally, TPO-induced the tyrosine phos
phorylation and DNA-binding activity of STAT3. Together with the recen
t demonstration of JAK2 activation in response to TPO, the data presen
ted here define a rapid signaling pathway likely to be important in TP
O-induced gene regulation.