Parameters of geometric models of 11 gas-star complexes (GSCs) were ob
tained. We used information about GSC's projections onto the celestial
sphere and the Galactic plane and about GSC's extension dong the line
of sight. GSCs were represented as triaxial ellipsoids. To estimate t
he semiminor axis of GSC's ellipsoidal model and GSC's slope angle to
the Galactic plane, we used data on spatial location of open stellar c
lusters (OSCs) entering GSCs. GSC's slopes to the Galactic plane vary
between 2 degrees.5 and 20 degrees.5. Their semiminor axes are between
11 and 164 pc. GSC's total masses are estimated from GSC's tidal effe
ct on OSCs that are members of the corresponding GSCs. The effect mani
fests itself in smaller sizes of young OSCs as compared to their tidal
sizes in the force field of the Galaxy. We used studies of stability
of an OSC moving in the joint force field of the Galaxy and spheroidal
stationary GSC, as well as the studies of evolution of a virialized c
luster located at the center of a nonstationary ellipsoidal GSC. Estim
ated total masses for different GSCs lie between 0.65 x 10(5) M(.) and
11.5 x 10(7) M(.).