Jp. Petit, TWIN UNIVERSES COSMOLOGY, Astrophysics and space science, 226(2), 1995, pp. 273-307
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Astronomy & Astrophysics
ISSN journal
Year of publication
273 - 307
SICI code
Starting from the field equation S = chi(T - A(T)), presented in a for mer paper, we present a test result, based on numerical simulations, g iving a new model applied to the very large structure of the Universe. A theory of inverse gravitational lensing is developed, in which the observed effects could be due mainly to the action of surrounding 'ant ipodal matter'. This is an alternative to the explanation based on dar k matter existence. We then develop a cosmological model. Because of t he hypothesis of homogeneity, the metric must be a solution of the equ ation S = 0, although the total mass of the Universe is non-zero. In o rder to avoid the trivial solution R = constant x t, we consider a mod el with 'variable constants'. Then we derive the laws linking the diff erent constants of physics: G,c, h, m; in order to keep the basic equa tions of physics invariant, so that the variation of these constants i s not measurable in the laboratory, the only effect of this process be ing the red shift, due to the secular variation of these constants. Al l the energies are conserved, but not the masses. We find that all of the characteristic lengths (Schwarzschild, Jeans, Compton, Planck) var y like the characteristic length R, from where all the characteristic times vary like the cosmic time t. As the energy of the photon h nu is conserved over its flight, the decrease of its frequency nu is due to the growth of the Planck constant h approximate to t. In such conditi ons the field equations have a single solution, corresponding to a neg ative curvature and to an evolution law: R approximate to t(2/3). The model is no longer isentropic and s approximate to log t. The cosmolog ic horizon varies like R, so that the homogeneity of the Universe is e nsured at any time which constitues an alternative to the theory of in flation. We re-find, for moderate distances, Hubble's law. A new law: distance = f(z) is derived, very close to the classical one for modera te red shifts.