Background: Accidental perforation of the globe and intraocular inject
ion of steroid is a potential complication of periocular injections. F
inal outcomes in eyes in which this complication has occurred have bee
n reported to be unsatisfactory in the past. However, the advent of vi
trectomy has altered their prognosis significantly. Methods: A retrosp
ective analysis was done of five cases of accidental intraocular stero
id injection, treated by vitrectomy. Additional procedures involved tr
eatment of retinal breaks (where required) with endolaser or transscle
ral cryopexy. Scleral buckling was done in one case. Results: Barring
one case in which retinal detachment developed, there were no postoper
ative complications. At last follow up all patients had satisfactory r
ecovery of visual acuity; had attached retina; and quiet anterior cham
ber and vitreous cavities. Conclusion: Vitrectomy is associated with s
atisfactory results in cases of accidental intraocular steroid injecti
on. Delay up to a few days does not seem to materially influence the o