Using axonal tracers, we characterized the neurons projecting from the
brain to the spinal cord as well as the terminal fields of ascending
spinal projections in the brain of adult zebrafish with unlesioned or
transected spinal cords. Twenty distinct brain nuclei were found to pr
oject to the spinal cord. These nuclei were similar to those found in
the closely related goldfish, except that additionally the parvocellul
ar preoptic nucleus, the medial octavolateralis nucleus, and the nucle
us tangentialis, but not the facial lobe, projected to the spinal cord
in zebrafish. Terminal fields of axons, visualized by anterograde tra
cing, were seen in the telencephalon, the diencephalon, the torus semi
circularis, the optic tectum, the eminentia granularis, and throughout
the ventral brainstem in unlesioned animals. Following spinal cord tr
ansection at a level approximately 3.5 mm caudal to the brainstem/spin
al cord transition zone, neurons in most brain nuclei grew axons beyon
d the transection site into the distal spinal cord to the level of ret
rograde tracer application within 6 weeks. However, the individually i
dentifiable Mauthner cells were never seen to do so up to 15 weeks aft
er spinal cord transection. Nearly all neurons survived axotomy, and t
he vast majority of axons that had grown beyond the transection site b
elonged to previously axotomized neurons as shown by double tracing. T
erminal fields were not re-established in the torus semicircularis and
the eminentia granularis following spinal cord transection. (C) 1997
Wiley-Liss, Inc.